Todays trip got off to a really bad start when we were stopped by police just heading out of...
Nazaré beach, with a mild climate and natural beauty, has one of the oldest traditions in Portugal linked to...
I absolutely love Porto. It’s such a beautiful city with a wide variety of attractions. Porto is a coastal...
Although I have visited Coimbra on many occasions I have not ventured on a walking tour to explore all...
Figueira da Foz is a city located in Coimbra and is famous for it’s stretch of beautiful golden beaches...
My daughter was only 17 when we relocated to Portugal on 31/12/19. She stayed in the U.K and moved...
Lilo’s We have been spending a lot of time at local river beaches and had plans to visit some...
The cost of garden furniture At long last we have outside furniture! The tax rebate cheque cleared and we...
My mindset is that I am living in Portugal so I will embrace the culture including food and drink...
Captivating Coimbra I have only left our house on a couple of occasions since March but I needed to...
Markets There are loads of markets in Portugal. We have one in Côja and Arganil. They run on different...
Portugal doesn’t have many charity shops and I have not seen any near us not like the U.K. There...