Look who has just arrived in Portugal! I am beyond excited that my daughter Teanna got to visit this Summer. This is the trip that very nearly didn’t happen. Easyjet cancelled her flight out to Porto 8 days before her departure AGAIN! So many of her flights were cancelled in 2020 due to Covid and her Christmas 2020 flight was cancelled with just 2 days notice. I was so furious and spent hours assisting her to re-book her flight out here and Covid PCR fit to fly test. I had originally researched and found a Covid testing place in Bristol but now this meant I had to find a new place in Nottingham close to her university. I found one for a whopping £145. Luckily for us the original flight which was booked back in November 2020 for June 2021 only cost £40 return and the swap to the new flight due to Easyjet cancelling came with no extra fees and they waive the higher price of the flight if they cancel. There are no flights available in June from Bristol to Porto so I had the option of Bristol to Lisbon or London Gatwick airport to Porto. Gatwick is a 2 1/2 hour drive from Bristol and Lisbon is a 2 1/2 hour train or bus to Coimbra then another 1 hour drive to our home. We decided upon the London Gatwick to Porto flight as her dad was able to drive her to the airport which avoids her negotiating trains and buses from Lisbon which reduces the risk of Covid and her getting lost and having to travel with 2 suitcases. Portugal was put on the amber list from green just 7 days before her original flight out. This has caused another issue and I may need to buy her another ticket home to the U.K a couple of weeks prior to her existing flight so she has 10 days to quarantine at home before returning to university.
We arrived at Porto with a few hours to spare so we decided to visit Ikea then the beach. It was a roasting hot day and I didn’t anticipate going to the beach just an airport run so I’m not really dressed for the occasion and wearing jeans. I so wish I hadn’t forgotten my sunglasses (ha ha).
How epic is this bar on the beach where you can have a swing, look out at the ocean whilst sipping a cocktail!

Teanna’s flight was due in at 15.15 so we thought we would head to the airport for around 15.45 to give her time to get through security and collect her baggage. My plan failed big time as her flight arrived early and she phoned me at 15.30 to ask where we were! I’m so gutted I missed her walking through the arrivals gate, I always find it so emotional. After the longest hug of my life we hit Norte Shopping for sushi, Portuguese cake and retail therapy. We have already visited Porto and visited all the tourist spots but we will return at some point during the summer.
Her original plan is to stay 10 weeks but we may change this to 8 weeks depending on whether we stay amber. It’s been a roller-coaster of emotions for us both and I prayed so hard that she would make it out here. I did not allow myself to get excited until her plane had landed at Porto airport and she had made it safely through security and was in my arms. I think that hug lasted an eternity! I was going to make her a welcome sign for the airport but didn’t want to tempt fate. I did however clean her bedroom here top to bottom and made her a little welcome to Portugal basket which she loved. I also bought her the delightful art work of a hare by a local designer to brighten up her room and hubby wrote her a heart felt message on our chalk message board. After all the trauma of rescheduling the flight it actually worked out really well as she arrived around 15.30 instead of late evening (which was her original flight arrival time). This enabled us to enjoy a late sunny afternoon and evening in delightful Porto before we embarked on the 2 hour journey drive home.

I have planned an amazing itinerary of day trips to include an epic road trip which includes Lisbon and Sintra. Hubby has to work a lot from our home so it’s just going to be the two of us for many outings. I must warn you all in advance, I am trouble and cause chaos when out and about. My daughter although she looks nothing like me is actually my twin when it comes to personality. She is so like me and often knows what I am thinking and can finish off my sentences, hence why together we are double trouble! Be aware if you see us out and about, avoid us at all costs (ha ha). Oh and if you see me driving a car run for the hills or remind me which side to drive on!
Look at us celebrating Christmas and exchanging gifts in June (ha ha). I received a fantastic book and a leopard print tabard so I can fit in with the local ladies. It even has pockets/a front pouch like a kangaroo to stash my curly wurlys (ha ha). I also received my British chocolate fix of Options hot chocolate drink, turkish delights as well as the curly wurlys, my life is complete! Hubby was expecting a huge bag of gigantic jelly snakes but I think the temptation of stashing them under her bed at university for 6 months got to Teanna and she ate them all (ha ha). I don’t blame her one bit also it has saved hubby a fortune on dentist bills here with all that sugar! Teanna bought him these jelly snakes for his 2018 Christmas gift. Look at his little face, pure joy (ha ha).

Teanna loves her Oodie, it’s huge on her but she looks pretty in pink. I’m not sure how useful an Oodie in Portuguese Summertime will be but who knows, we might get a chilly evening or too. Fluff ball Milo is over the moon to snuggle his mummy after nearly a year apart! His little face may look angry but that’s just Milo, inside he is bursting with pure joy to see his mummy (ha ha).
This will be my last post for a while as I’m going to spend every single minute of every day with my gorgeous girl as who knows when I will see her next! If I disappear and go dark, don’t panic, I’m fine and will be back soon with several posts and photos from our epic summer adventures in Portugal. In the meantime here are photos of Teanna’s favourite Portuguese delight: Pastel de Nata. She ate 2 before she went to bed and many more of these beauties will be consumed during the summer of 2021 (ha ha).
Helen W
4 years agoSO,SO pleased that Teanna has made it. You will have a fantastic summer together and I am looking forward to some photos and accounts of your many adventures once Teanna has returned to the UK. xxx
4 years agoHi Helen,
We are over the moon that she is here and we can spend quality fun family time together. Thanks so much for your well wishes XXX There will be many blog posts once she has returned to the U.K!