• Weather – although day times can be glorious and sunny, evenings can be very cold in winter. I did not fully take this into account. Slippers are a must on tiled floors. Lucky for us my gorgeous daughter bought us sheepskin slippers for Christmas – yes we have matching slippers all we need now is a pair of matching personalised bathrobes. We are not at the stage of matching rain jackets yet!
  • Language – I started a language app on my phone whilst in the UK but did not bother too much as I thought I could learn the language out here and I was too busy with work and life. Language can be such a barrier and frustrating at times when you are lost in translation, learn the language beforehand if you can. Especially if you are planning to move in say 2 years, you have time. It’s honestly my biggest regret. Also I’m an idiot because my ex-husband is from Portugal so I missed all those years of learning the language! I know – major regret. Also don’t learn Brazilian Portuguese – there is a big difference.
  • IMI Temporary Exemption – I wish I knew that you could apply for an IMI exemption of 3 years if you purchase a permanent property for under €125,000 and do not have an income higher than €153,200 (I wish!). Our solicitor didn’t tell us about this and you only have a set amount of time and then it’s too late. Ours is only €68 per year but I’m still pissed off!