It’s starting to look a lot like Christmas! On our recent day trips we have driven past so many wonderful and wacky Presépio. I make hubby stop the car at each one so I can get a closer look and take photos. I LOVE nativity scenes and the Portuguese go to great lengths to make them special and it amazes me how creative they are with representing the birth of baby Jesus. Some only place the baby Jesus in the crib on Christmas Eve. I didn’t know this so when I first relocated to Portugal I just assumed someone had stolen the baby Jesus which is obviously outrageous. I was very alarmed and kept thinking that whoever did this is going straight to hell (ha ha). I bet these scenes look even better at night, all lit up and sparkling. Hubby wants to make a Presépio in our village of Vinhó because we don’t have one. Maybe he should start small with acorn men (ha ha).
Some village Presépio make me laugh in a good way. These are fantastic examples and made me smile for a while. I hope you enjoy these as much as I did.
Espinhal Presépio
Espinhal Presépio certainly has the WOW factor. The detail that has gone into this display makes me speechless. It was such a chore to have to exit via Aromáticas and consume a tasty bacon bap and Portuguese coffee (ha ha). The Christmas market was amazing too and now I’m feeling all festive.
The orchestra conductor looks a lot like Postman Pat
Presépio en route to Águeda
On the way to Águeda we passed by the most crazy Presépio. You may know by now I’m a little obsessed with nativity scenes. Takes me back to my childhood and attending church and watching the nativity plays at my local church which often had a real life donkey who never ceased to make us all laugh by pooping on the altar. I think I’ve mentioned before that sometimes the figures and statues in the displays can be well off scale. Sometimes baby Jesus is giant sized and bigger than the livestock. This one made me laugh in a good way. Joseph is so gigantic and I had to stop to take a photo then decided I needed to be in the photo to show just how big Joseph is. Then I had to take a video too obviously. I am 5 ft 4 by the way! LOVE it sooooooo much and the donkey is hilarious too and appears to be wearing red lipstick (ha ha). There was music playing and birds chirping, it was certainly special indeed.
Giant Goliath or Joseph? Donkey with lipstick!
4 Presépio from the wonderful Sever do Vouga
On the way to the glorious waterfalls we viewed 4 Presépio. I LOVE them all but one was a little bit crazy and I think you will know which one I mean.
Frankincense or myrrh I’m not convinced it looks a lot like dried Marijuana to me (ha ha) The King has his gift of Gold – Such detail! Those button eyes! Legless like me on a Saturday night (ha ha) I LOVE the woolly sheep LOVE the donkey watching over baby Jesus Fabulous & Frilly like my knickers (ha ha)
The Weird & Wonderful Washer Woman
I adore the detail of the one eyed, giant handed washer woman. Look at her incredible muscular arms, like Popeye. Maybe we should take a leaf out of this lady’s book and all wash our clothes by hand for the workout.
A Chip on his Shoulder
I’m not too sure what the potatoes are on his shoulders and I’m mildly confused! Is it even a potato? He is super happy and full of Christmas joy.
Vila de Rei Presépio
Next to the Municipal Market you will find yet another fantastic nativity scene. What made me laugh about this one is the fact that the angel appears to be an avid football fan. Religion and Football, what a mix just don’t discuss Religion, Football or Politics at the table over Christmas Lunch, someone will always get offended and it’s usually aunty Brenda (ha ha).
Avó Presépio
Another local Presépio – night view.
Cabeça Presépio – Aldeia Natal
We visited the awesome Christmas schist village in the Serra da Estrela mountains, WOW. Take a look at my separate post if you love rustic old fashioned Christmas magic.
Cõja Presépio and Christmas Lights
I will leave you with the wonderful Cõja which is my nearest village. It was certainly very wet and windy when I took these photos. Part of the display had blown over! I LOVE the Christmas lights in the trees, they sparkle so pretty and make me feel all warm inside.
Wet and windy = Disaster!
Biggest Presépio in Portugal
The biggest nativity scene in Portugal is located in the Algarve and lights up 5600 figures! All the numbers are impressive: 230 square meters, 2500 hours of work, more than 20 tons of sand, four tons of stone dust, 3000 kilos of cork, hundreds of props, including icons from the Algarve. It is located in Vila Real de Santo António until 9th January. Unfortunately it’s a 5 hour car journey each way so I won’t be visiting (ha ha).