Today my gorgeous boys Rick and Negan are 6 months old and officially Adults. I decided to weigh them, they were not impressed and Rick kept climbing out of the bowl because he is the naughty brother out of the 2 siblings and didn’t want to be fat shamed (ha ha).
My Guinea Pig is obviously the fat one and I did tell him to breathe in and stand on one leg whilst being weighed and to limit his water before the 5pm weigh in but he ignored my top tips and suffered the consequences. To be honest there’s not much in it which is good news because it means they are sharing food equally, their love for each other and brotherly bond is strong. These 2 squeaky monsters bring so much joy and are absolutely hilarious. I love them to the moon and back. I might have to squeeze them in my suitcase when I return to the UK. I will miss them so much.
The 6 Month Weigh In Results:
Rick 875 grams
Negan 873 grams
Negan’s Weigh In
Hubby’s Guinea Pig (Negan) got weighed first because he is easier to catch and very laid back, he takes after his chilled Papa (ha ha). The last big photo of hubby and Negan is awesome! His little face is pure magic, I’m talking about Negan’s, not hubby’s although I am quite fond of hubby’s bearded face too (ha ha).

Rick’s Weigh In
My Guinea Pig (Rick) is very mischievous, an absolute nightmare, can’t sit still for 5 minutes and causes chaos wherever he goes, just like his Momma Helena (ha ha). He literally kept on climbing out of the bowl which was way too funny to watch.

Garden Photo Gallery
We took our Guinea Pigs to the garden for 5 minutes as the lighting is way much better outside than inside. We literally took a few photos then took them back inside because it was over 33 degrees in the shade and way too hot to be outside in a fur coat.

My Crazy Naughty Boy Rick
There’s something strange and powerful about black-and-white imagery, I think these photos look really cool. I just adore my adorable squeaky Rick. I don’t mind that he is a naughty boy and has a completely different personality to his brother Negan. Just imagine how boring life would be if we were all the same.

Pet of the Month Award
Hubby made Rick a cute certificate because he was a good boy and was a little upset that he was heavier than his brother. I know how he feels as growing up I was the little fatty and my older sister was the skinny one. It sucks being the chubster of the family but I adore Rick no matter what he weighs. He can’t help being greedy like his Momma.