Rabbit vaccines
Although there are many vets in Portugal it was quite difficult to source a vet that provides the RHD2 vaccine. In the U.K Milo received annual booster vaccines to prevent against Myxomatosis, RHD (Rabbit (Viral) Haemorrhagic Disease) and RHD2.
In the U.K the vaccines were administered in 2 separate vaccines. A combined vaccine for the Myxo and RHD and a separate vaccine for the RHD2, given at 2 week intervals. There is now a new vaccine 3 in 1 which protects rabbits from all 3 in a single dose but unfortunately this is not available in Portugal. I contacted 2 vets and they both confirmed that this was not available or licenced in Portugal. The vet I contacted in Tábua could only offer the Myxo and the RHD but could not offer the RHD2 vaccine. The vet in Arganil confirmed that all 3 vaccines could be administered but only as separate vaccines (3 weeks apart) so 3 vaccines required. The Myxo vaccine only lasts for 7 months so due again in April but the other 2 RHD vaccines last for 1 year. I decided to go with the 3 separate vaccines as although this seems inconvenient to have to stress Milo out and take him 3 times to the vet, it offers the best protection against deadly RHD2.
Myxomatosis is a virus spread by blood-sucking insects such as fleas, mites or mosquitoes. It can also be spread via contact with infected rabbits and via contaminated objects or the environment such as bedding, hutches, carriers, bowls etc. Milo is a house bunny so does not venture outside but mossies are plentiful in Portugal so better to be safe than sorry. RHD and RHD2 is also spread via the same methods as Myxomatosis.
The cost of all 3 vaccines is a total of €31.00 and there was an initial consultation fee of €19 to check Milo over. So a grand total of €50.00. You pay at the end of each visit so the first visit cost €29 (€19 for initial consultation and €10 for the vaccine). During the consultation she checked over Milo and examined his teeth, eyes, general health and took his temperature via a battery operated thermometer over his eye. He wasn’t that thrilled about this process but he gave a far better reaction than last time at the Bristol Vets where she took his temperature by inserting a thermometer up his butt hole. His poor little face, I don’t think he ever got over it (ha ha).
I am really happy with this Vets, the receptionist is super friendly and the vet is amazing. They both speak English which helps us a lot. The Vet waiting room was empty and we had to book the appointment in advance. It was great that there were no barking dogs in the waiting room as Milo gets very stressed out by large loud dogs. They have a branch in Lousa as well as Arganil but all non surgical stuff can be administered in Arganil which is only a 25 min car journey from our home.
I was unable to source an Insurance company here that insures rabbits. I did try my very best but no one will insure a bunny, just cats and dogs. I think the Portuguese just like to eat rabbit!
Off to the Vets (Not a Happy Bunny!)

Vetargus – Arganil Veterinary Centre
Opening hours
Monday-Friday 10-13h and 15h30-19h30
Saturdays 10-13h
Mobile Phone
918 144 077
Rua Cidade da Beira
Edifício Santiago
West store
3300-155 Arganil
Update: Vet Vaccination Cost Log
Somehow I have managed to keep all my vet invoices in one file unlike my doctors and dentist so I will share below the relevant costs so far and keep adding to the log (if I remember), I am going through the menopause so I’m not promising anything (ha ha). I find the vaccinations much cheaper here than in the U.K and the vet doesn’t charge for a consultation as well as the vaccine shot, we were only charged a consultation fee initially on our first visit. We also asked if the vet could cut his nails for us at one of our vaccine appointments as he is a nightmare at staying still at home and she also did not charge for this service either.
24/09/2020 Check up & Myxo (Next due April 2021 then changed to July 2021) €10 + €19 check up
16/10/2020 RHD (Next due 16/10/2021) €9.75
07/11/2020 RHD 2 (Next due 07/11/2021) €11.25
We contacted our Vet in April 2021 who explained the Myxo lasted 9 months not 6 it varies on the manufacturer and drug then there was an issue obtaining the drugs so Milo had his vaccinations a little later in 2021. The 2nd dose of Myxo Milo had appears to last 7 months so it’s all a bit random.
26/11/2021 RHD 2 (Next due 26/11/2022) €13.25
16/12/2021 RHD (Next due 16/12/2022) €11.50
04/01/2022 Myxo (Next due 4/08/2022) €10
18/08/2022 Myxo (next due 18/03/2023) €10 + €8 for nail cutting. We were not charged last time for nail cutting so I assumed it was free but this time we were charged €8 so in future we will trim Milo’s nails at home as it’s expensive for such a small task that literally takes a minute or two. I hate cutting his nails as he gets super angry and at the vets he is just stunned so freezes which makes it easy. We wrap Milo in a towel at home to cut his nails so he can’t escape and do a runner and hide in a cardboard box because I’m way too old to chase a bunny around an office (ha ha).
29/11/2022 RHD2 (Next due 29/11/2023) €13.25
20/12/2022 RHD Booked – Milo didn’t actually have his immunisation as the Vet thought the drugs looked dodgy and neither one of us thought it was a good idea so she ordered another batch of drugs in. It’s annoying as half of the stress for Milo is getting him in his carrier and driving him each way. Re-booked for 26/12/2022 as Boxing Day is a normal working day here in Portugal. I’m actually happy that the Vet is so conscientious. The staff are absolutely awesome at this Vets including the receptionists. They are so very friendly and adore animals. One thing to note is they no longer send a text reminder by mobile phone they actually call you now.
26/12/2022 RHD €11.50
3 in 1 Vaccine Now Available!
24/03/2023 3 in 1 Vaccine – Myxo, RHD1 & RHD2 €10.70
Milo was due his Myxo and we were delighted to find out that the rabbit immunisation can now be administered via the 3 in 1 vaccine. This means that Milo won’t have to attend the Vets on 3 separate occasions each year. It’s great as a lot of the stress on Milo is actually getting him in the pet carrier and transporting him to the Vets. The 3 in 1 vaccine includes the Myxo, RHD1 & RHD2 and I was very surprised to only have to pay €10.70 today. It used to cost this much and often more for each individual vaccine so it’s a result all round and Milo is not due to return for another full year so 24/03/2024.