So the office is finished and we can now move hubby from the lounge to the office space. Bless him, he has been working his IT job every weekday from the lounge dining table, not practical especially with me walking in on his conference calls and my star performance of spilling a whole glass of coke whilst sitting next to him when he was on his weekly well-being check in with the big boss. He had to explain that his accident prone wife just spilt her coke everywhere on her lap and her laptop. A further explanation was required that it was the soft drink coke and not cocaine which led to an awkward silence.
This room was probably the room that needed the least amount of work thank goodness (I’m so tired!). We started by filling small holes in walls with filler then painted the walls and ceiling with white paint. Next was cleaning up the tiles inset by the window. We then fixed the broken floor tiles, luckily we found a few spare tiles in the workshop and purchased a tile cutter. Then we had a huge task of regrouting the floor tiles, there is more info on my DIY project post but this was such a difficult job that we had to do twice as we used out of date grout – long story. We removed a weird lamp that was fixed to the wall and there is a huge built in solid wooden desk and cupboard as well as a free standing corner unit which we primed and painted grey and white. I originally painted the desk grey and white but decided I preferred the grey so we painted all of the drawers grey. We decided to recycle the existing furniture for now as removing it would result in us having to fix part of the wall and floor tiles as it’s all built in. We will upgrade once we have sorted finances and have spare money, maybe in a year or two.
We purchased a blind for the window and installed it. We also replaced the ceiling light as it was cracked, hanging off the ceiling and an accident waiting to happen. We managed to do this without electrocuting ourselves which is a bonus (ha ha). Then it was just a case of buying accessories including a floor rug from Casa store. All we need to buy now is a sofa bed and a few accessories to add a splash of colour. I don’t particularly like accessories that don’t do anything and just gather dust (unless it’s a lucky waving cat – ha ha) e.g. those ‘Home’ signs or the chavvy ‘Live, laugh, love/dance in the rain’ plaques – apologies if you have this on your wall, save your last dance in the rain for me (ha ha). I like stuff and ornaments that have dual purposes like vases and picture frames. We purchased a great cork world map notice board with cute little country map pins that will come in handy. We also need some epic wall art but I’m waiting to travel to Porto for this, we have our eye on something special.
The downside to having hubby in the office is it is not within shouting distance of the upper house or garden so I need to either practice my shouting skills and increase my volume or go fight it solo when I meet a snakey or require hubby’s assistance. I think I will miss him being in the main house but it’s great to have a designated area separate for his work as sometimes I am sat in the same room whilst he is on conference call team meetings as as well as spilling soft drinks I occasionally can’t help but join in like when big boss says “Does anyone have any questions?” I put my hand up then realise I’m not at work, it’s not my job and they ain’t my people! (ha ha).
Hubby even has an office with a view! My last job back in Bristol was in a large shared office with no external windows so you never got any fresh air or got to see any natural daylight, great for vampires but shit for humans. Luckily for me I spent quite a lot of my time driving to different centres or appointments but the environment was very depressing and not great for my health and wellbeing.
Before photo:

Work in progress photos:
Final touches

After photos:

Office with a view

Anyone want a free hug?

5 years agoHi Helen
what a great transformation. re-grouting is a horrible job. All looks great. I like the globe cork board! The view is incredible..
Top tip for getting his attention from the garden – phone him! My daughter phones me from upstairs to check what’s for dinner! The other option is what my mum and dad did years ago when my dad was unwell and confined to bed. She got him a little (but loud) brass bell which he rang when he wanted room service 🙂
5 years agoHi Bollinger,
Thanks we are really pleased with the renovation, onto the spare bedroom next which is going to be a little more challenging. I do take my phone to the garden but I don’t have pockets in my leggings so usually hide it somewhere away from the direct sunlight otherwise it overheats. usually when I’m shouting for him it’s a real panic situation e.g. hose spraying water everywhere or I lift up a stone and find a snake but yes I think the phoning may work but often he ignores me and says he didn’t hear it or it didn’t ring (ha ha – selective hearing). It’s funny that you mention a bell as the couple who live in the house behind us have a dinner bell. It’s their holiday home so they have only been there a couple of times so we haven’t really met them properly yet. Wife seems to have a bell that she rings for dinner time. Next time she rings it I might pop round and ask her what we are having. Hubby does all the cooking here and he said he would quite like a bell to ring – simple pleasures. I also can empathise with you regarding your daughter as for past 8 years we have lived in a flat so bear in mind there are not even any stairs and daughter would phone us from her bedroom which was literally next to the lounge to ask “Can you get me a drink?” she would usually phone her step dad because she knows what I would say. I think it’s a teenager thing and they get away with whatever we let them. My son was a huge gamer and from ages of 15-18 I used to take dinner upto his bedroom (we lived in a house then) and he would eat it and leave his plate and cutlery on the floor outside of his bedroom and I would go up later and collect it. I must have been crazy (ha ha).
5 years agoYep, that’s teenagers, what are they like
If you ring the bell, he might rush to your bar for last orders 🙂
5 years agoHi B,
Ha ha yeah, it will be a wasted journey as I need to stock up.
Happy Portugal day!
Thanks for making me laugh, I needed that, I was awoken by builders working on house behind at 7am!
5 years agoNearly 10am and I’m still waiting on my builder! It’s raining so that’s probably put him off
Any village celebrations going on for Portugal Day?
My sister has a holiday home in Pollenca, beautiful place in Majorca and it’s like one festival after another. The Spanish like to party. You are probably close enough to nip across the border and lunch in Spain!?
Have a great day
5 years agoHi B,
Portuguese builders are supposed to be worse than British builders but we have found them great. I hope your still not waiting for them to arrive. There’s no celebrations in our village which is a shame but usually Côja have great celebrations with plenty of food, drink and fireworks. I love Majorca, I think we are about a 2 1/2 hrs drive to the boarder. I’d love to drive to explore Spain in the near future just not sure our old banger of a car would make it there and back. Spain/Portugal boarders are closed until 1st July unless you have residency here in portugal then you are allowed back in.
5 years agoJune 1oth is National Holliday so dont expect work in those days
5 years agoHi,
Although the 10th June is a National holiday in Portugal hubby works for a UK company so all public/national holidays are inline with the UK Bank Holiday dates which can get a bit confusing.