Happy 19th Birthday to my gorgeous daughter Teanna. Here you are on your birthdays 0-19 blowing out the candles on your birthday cakes on your special day and making wishes. You haven’t changed a bit (ha ha). So this is my thing, as a mum, I make sure I take a photo of my children blowing out their candles on their birthday cake each and every year until they are 21. I’m so glad I started this trend. At the beginning I didn’t even have a digital camera as my son is 28 so the earlier photos are not the best quality but I LOVE them.
My favourite is Teanna’s 2nd birthday when she had a weird addiction with Bob the builder (T.V show not an actual builder called Bob as that would be super weird). Teanna would wait for the cute bin man with the amazing dreadlocks to collect our bin because his green truck looked like Roley. Then she would act all shy and cute at the door and flirt with him on my behalf. I hope her flirting skills with men have improved, unfortunately mine haven’t (ha ha).
Blow out your candles and make a wish 0-19
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Pre Birthday Celebration
On the 31st July 2021 we celebrated 2 birthdays. A belated 4th birthday to bunny boy Milo AKA Raggedy M (that’s his street name) and because he’s always scruffy and moulting. We are also celebrating Teanna’s 19th birthday which is actually today 30th August but I couldn’t celebrate on her actual birthday as she had to return to the U.K to quarantine before University restarts. I asked Tea what she wanted to do and she said a party in the garden with music, cocktails, food and a birthday cake with a homemade game of Head’s Up that she lovingly made. Milo joined us in his cage in the corner. Tea made him some birthday treats so he didn’t feel left out and he had birthday balloons with 4 on them and a present of a dog toy, a little tennis ball that we are going to teach him tricks with, he will probably just chew it but I’m optimistic.
We even got dressed up too and hubby swapped his plain lazy t.shirt for a plain lazy short sleeved shirt (ha ha). After cake and cocktails we decided to crack open the Óbidos cherry liqueur and taste test it against the Serra da Estrela sour cherry liqueur. I regretted this massively when I had to wake up and go on my long run the next day. Note to myself: Stick to wine, don’t mix drinks, not at my age anyway (ha ha).
It was such a beautiful evening and we had so much family fun and laughter. The food and drink was epic too, compliments to Adrian who was not only Top Chef but Cocktail Waiter too. Unfortunately the budget did not run to Butlers in the buff, shame but maybe next year! If your up for applying for the job send me a full length photo front and back (ha ha). It was so amazing having my girl back living with us for 8 weeks. I miss her like crazy!
A message to my gorgeous girl
I know you had a fantastic mini trip to London and I hope camping in Wales was equally as fun. The sun set swim looked epic. Did you ever get around to finding 2 men to test your 2 man tent in the garden? (ha ha). I am glad you got through quarantine in Bristol and I hope your 2nd year at university is better than last year and you get to venture out in Nottingham, secure a PT job and make some life long friendships. Don’t get a boyfriend as I am still planning on marrying you off to a Portuguese guy so you live and stay in Portugal forever. I am up for trade offs, maybe swap you for some chickens and a goat or two (ha ha).
I am super proud of you for sticking with your uni course through all the ups and downs and isolation. I love you to the moon and back and miss you like crazy. I am counting the days until next summers month long visit. Happy birthday baby girl.
Forever, your crazy ass Mum (AKA Princess golden coaches Helena), Adrian (Your favourite stepdad) and your fluffy baby bunny boy Milo (AKA Raggedy M) XXX
A few gorgeous photos of my girl celebrating her 19th birthday in Bristol, U.K. Her cake looks epic!
4 years agoDoes she like attending Notts Uni and its wonderful campus? What course is she studying?
4 years agoShe is studying psychology and really enjoying Nottingham.