CASA VALHAL (Living the dream)
Welcome to Casa Valhal, a rustic 3 bed schist house, located in the village of Vinhó, a few minutes from Côja. The house has: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom suites, open plan living room/kitchen, cellar, bar, balcony and garden with terraces/patios and workshop. We love our old house and totally feel blessed!
The best part of Casa Valhal has to be the location and stunning views of the magnificent mountains. I am also so happy to actually own a 3 bed house outright with no mortgage. The house is large to us as we have been used to living in a small 2 bed flat with no garden in the UK. I often lose my husband and he can’t hear me when I shout for him. Owning a house big enough to lose my husband in has always been a dream of mine (ha ha). Maybe he is just hiding and trying to avoid me in the workshop AKA man shed.
I also love the fact that we are detached (the house not us – we are going strong). We have one neighbour to our left who doesn’t live there but randomly returns to tend to her garden. We also have one neighbour behind but it’s their holiday home so they also do not live their permanently and we have only seen them on a handful of occasions. There is nothing but scenic lush greenery to our right. In the UK our upstairs neighbours were a young couple in the flat above us who had weekly raging arguments which resulted in them shouting throughout the night, female would pack her bags and leave then return the next day! To be free of this drama is heaven on earth. I love not having neighbours as it’s very tranquil but when I want to swap garden produce that I’ve organically grown I have to listen out for my neighbour and dash out with vegetables and eggs. In return she always gifts us with buckets of lemons and tasty clementines. Another great bonus is that although we live in the countryside it’s not too rural and we are not surrounded by forests with any eucalyptus or pine so very low forest fire risk. I call it remote country green living but not too remote or isolated. We are also away from any major roads so very little traffic which makes it a peaceful haven.
The View I fell in Love with
This is the actual photo I took whilst viewing the property for the first time in October 2019. I absolutely fell in love with the views from the covered terrace and could visualise myself growing old here. I should say older as I’m already old (ha ha). The garden was very overgrown and scruffy but I could see past the mess and visualise the glory with a little bit of hard work and TLC.

More Views from our favourite spot
I will never ever get bored of sitting here admiring the views and listening to the birds, bees and the nearby stream, it really is so amazing and peaceful. Watching the sun set is so beautiful I often have to pinch myself and I feel totally blessed to live in such a beautiful country with friendly local people who have opened their arms and welcomed us like family. We have added some new outdoor furniture and lighting including al fresco dining table set as well as a couple of chairs and a love seat. What I love the most about this special area is that it is covered so it provides much needed shade in Summer and I can still sit outside even if it’s mild and raining. We don’t seem to have a fly problem so we can eat outside whenever we like. Al fresco dining is such a simple pleasure. I am sharing photos below from different times of the day as well as different seasons as it still looks awesome in winter time and our Christmas Day morning views were magnificent.

Shady Spot
I love our favourite spot as it’s shady so we can chill out with our precious pets.

Perfect Party Venue

View from Upper front Garden

My Sunflower Girl

Sunflower Obsessed
I am more than a tad Sunflower obsessed and grow them from seed every year.

View from Lower front Garden

View from Upper Top Garden

Hammock Heaven
We installed a Hammock for Helena under the gigantic fig tree. It’s pure bliss chilling in my hammock and I am enjoying my daily chicken & caffeine therapy. It sounds posh but it’s just hanging out with my chickens with a large Portuguese coffee in my hand whilst gently swaying in the breeze (ha ha).

Balcony Bliss View

Balcony Babes

View from Lounge

View from the Office
Hubby works remotely from home and he has the best ever view from his office window. In my last job at a local college in Bristol I had an office which didn’t have any windows to the outside world! It was so soul destroying not to see outside or feel any fresh air, it actually made me feel quite ill. Luckily for me I wasn’t in the office much.

Night Time View
Just look at the sky!!!!!!

Lounge & Master Bedroom Internal Views

Spare Bedroom AKA Teanna’s Room
This is our spare bedroom but I designed it for Teanna because when I was a single parent she had her own bedroom in multiple rented properties in the UK but we could never ever decorate it how we wished to because we were only allowed to make minimum alterations. It is such a simple pleasure to own our own home and be able to decorate rooms to the style we want to rather than just have to use removable items and accessories like rugs to revamp rooms. We can also have as many pets as we want! Pure heaven. With this in mind I wanted to make a special room just for Teanna and she chose bunny Milo grey and pastel pink as a colour theme. I know she is an adult and she doesn’t live with us here in Portugal permanently but I wanted her to have a room of her very own that she can call hers. A place she can return to at any point of her adult life. Mission succeeded, I now just to marry her off to a rich Portuguese man so she will stay forever and I will see my grandkids grow up (ha ha).



Office/3rd Bedroom

The Retro Bar
One of the treasures that came with the house. We decided to clean up this old bar and move it into the lounge as a feature. I cannot begin to tell you how heavy this bar was to move from the spare room into the lounge, it certainly was a challenge. We have enjoyed a lot of celebrations at this bar, here are just a few.

The Gigantic Table
We also gained a huge long table with 6 chairs and tons of glassware. I don’t particularly like the table but it is great to eat dinner at each evening. We sit at each end like a king and queen. The chairs kind of match my mustard coloured themed lounge and a cute tablecloth hides the 1990’s frosted glass look. Looking forward to buying an epic wooden table in due course.

Celebrations – King’s Banquet Table
We started by sitting at either ends like a King and Queen but quickly resulted in sitting in the middle opposite each other as I was fed up shouting down the table “Pass the wine” (ha ha).

Roof Top View

I raise a glass of Vinho in my village of Vinhó. Heres to many more glorious daytime views and sensational evening sunsets XXX I LOVE my new life XXX

Jaks Melling
5 years agoWhat a lovely view? Can I ask how did you decide on that house in that area? X
5 years agoHi Jaks
Thanks for being the first person ever to ask a question on my first blog. For us we had a very limited fixed budget so we had a list of essential criteria we wanted for the house: 3 bedrooms, garden, a toilet on same level as our bedroom, detached with no loud neighbours and a tranquil village away from tourist areas. For the area we knew we wanted to be within an hours drive of a major city and beach with no more than a 2 hour drive to an airport. We researched Central Portugal as houses are cheaper in this area and there are so many delightful little villages. We knew we wanted a peaceful quiet location off of a main road. We viewed properties in: Miranda do Corvo, Near Arganil, Penela, Lousa, Chapinheira, Alvorge, Castanheira de Pera, Serta, Pedrógão Grande and Vinhó. We just fell in love with our house immediately. I think the only thing we sacrificed is parking but this was not important for us as we knew we would be buying an old car and we have a nearby area close to our house for parking and have never had any difficulties at all.
I have wrote a bit more about our viewings and buying process in the INTRO page. There is also a post titled THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN BUYING A HOUSE which you may find an enjoyable read.
Thanks again,
Rachael Corbett
5 years agoHi Helen
It is really great to see how relaxed and settled you are after your insane working life at CoBC. The views are to die for, and the work you have done on the house so far makes it very homely and inviting. I will look forward to seeing more as you work your way through the house.
Rachael C
5 years agoHi Rachael,
Thanks for your comment, it’s lovely to hear from you.
The views are one of the main attractions of the house and it really is just so tranquil here. After 8 years in a flat in Redland with no garden we are so thankful to have a garden and outdoor space of our own to spend time in during this current situation. Taking time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life like nature and wildlife and just to press the pause button for a while is just what I needed.
Denise Hagan
5 years agoHi Helen – great to see you relaxed and happy – your new place looks amazing – keep enjoying that wonderful garden and views , will keep checking back to see things. Denise
5 years agoHi Denise,
Lovely to hear from you, I hope you and your family are coping and keeping safe. The views are amazing but there’s still a lot of jobs to do on the house. I am currently sat in the garden with a cup of Tea (not wine as it’s 17.30 ha ha) and a Portuguese cake – Miss you X
lorraine barnes
5 years agoHi Helen,
I’ve just read your Blog and I want to be there right now 😁 I’m gonna show my husband this, im sure we will be asking lots of questions as plan our move to Portugal if you dont mind.
Thank you in advance
5 years agoHi Lorraine,
Have fun planning your move to Portugal. Ask any question you like and I will do my best to help you towards your dream.
Bye for now,
Ali Brace
5 years agoHi Helen,
Wow!! Wonderful! You have been busy. I’m so pleased for you both Living the Dream in your new home it’s gorgeous. You deserve it, you’ve worked hard, beautiful scenery. I will enjoy looking at all your lovely piccies. So pleased your all well keep safe, miss you too! I’m having a nice day 😊 doing hot dogs for tea yummy!
Love Ali X
5 years agoHi Ali,
So lovely to hear from you BIRTHDAY GIRL! 21 again (ha ha). We are really enjoying renovating our old house and we never get bored of looking at the beautiful scenery. I will miss our get togethers. Enjoy your hot dogs – I quite like an Ikea hot dog. We are having Cottage Pie (not very Portuguese). I should have cooked a portuguese meal seeing as it’s Portugal Day but we haven’t long finished painting the spare bedroom and we made the cottage pies in bulk so we can just pop into the oven.
Bye for now.
Love Helen XXX
4 years agoHi Helen,
Just wanted to say that I loved reading about your experiences in Portugal and seeing your great pictures.
Thanks Paul
4 years agoHi Paul,
That is great to hear.
Much appreciated.
Inger Bjørkelund in Norway
3 years agoHello you nice people in Casa Valhalla. It’s weird and I got a strange feeling when I read your log. We’re the ones who sold you the house. First, I would agree that it is a lovely place and pleasant neighbors. I felt like I missed it. But I have to smile when I see the big table in the living room. You can make it smaller by lifting one end, tipping it slightly so that the other end can be pulled underneath. Try it and feel free to write a log about it.
3 years agoHi Inger,
We are very frugal so have tried to recycle and re-use most of the stuff you left in the house. We did make the table smaller but it looked silly in such a large room so we keep it big and sit either end like a King and Queen (ha ha). Funnily enough we were still using all the cutlery you left in the house and we only bought a new set yesterday. We still have most of the furniture and curtains too including sofas. Did you see that we moved the bar into the lounge as a focal point? Eusibio put some stone design fascia on the wall behind it. We renovated the tiny old garden ruin into a chicken coop and run and now have 4 hens!
Living the Dream in our lovely house.
Bye for now,
Helen & Adrian.
Inger Bjørkelund in Norway
3 years agoNow I’ve read several of your great descriptions and I think it’s great that you’ve renovated porch doors and everything you’ve done. We lived in the house from 2002 to 2004 and have rented it out until you bought it, so we haven’t been to Portugal since. Good luck with the good life in the nice house!
3 years agoHi Inger,
So lovely to hear from you, we love living here. We are slowly making small renovations but it’s tricky as my husband works long hours. I fell in LOVE with the views instantly. Thank you for selling us your wonderful home. We feel very blessed and happy.
Inger Bjørkelund in Norway
3 years agoI’m so glad you answered me. Enjoy the house! I might visit you if I’m in Portugal. Say hello to Eusebio for me.
3 years agoHi Inger,
You are more than welcome.