There are some fantastic fathers out there and there are some shit ones too. Let’s celebrate and say congratulations to all the epic dads out there. Living in Portugal is strange now as mother’s day and father’s day fall on different days of the calendar to the UK. Does that mean I get 2 mother’s day celebrations? (ha ha).
In Spain, Italy and Portugal, Father’s Day is celebrated on 19th March, which is the Feast of St. Joseph who is the patron saint of fathers. Father’s Day is held on the third Sunday of June in the United Kingdom. It is a day to honour fathers and father figures, such as grandfathers and fathers-in-law.
I would like to say hooray to these amazing father’s:
The main man ‘David’ MY WONDERFUL DAD & FANTASTIC GRANDAD (Someone give him a medal – ha ha):
I know what you are thinking, what great balance for a man of a certain age. This man’s talents are endless, he’s a genius of many things, his major talent is for wearing blue clothing, he is famous for flipping pancakes, roller skating and bombing it down a helter skelter in record breaking time ripping his fleather jacket on the way!

My amazing hubby ‘Adrian’ (father of 8 and grandad of 1):
I also know what you are thinking, this man looks well too young to have 8 kids and 1 grandchild! That’s because I give him such a stress free life and keep him young meaning he doesn’t have to use just for men hair dye just yet (ha ha).

My daughters dad ‘Carlos’ who is keeping her safe in the UK right now:
Again, I also know what you are thinking. You are thinking what is he doing, is he mid way through a sit up (work out) is this Mr Motivator’s brother from another mother? No it’s just Carlos relaxing on the grass at the Bristol balloon fiesta, enjoying the rare Bristol sunshine. He’s smiling because he was married to me at the time. He is smiling more now we are divorced! He is really thinking why the F did I leave Portugal (ha ha).

My sons dad ‘Jeff’ who lives in Oz so most likely celebrates on 6th Sept this year but hey why not celebrate twice like I do:
I actually have no clue what you are thinking this time (ha ha). Maybe you are thinking why is this responsible dad letting his 13 year old son drive a car on a beach in Australia!!!!! Or maybe you are thinking wow what cool sunglasses and what a fantastic beard and that he would make a great Santa come December.

Happy World naked hiking day!
Not only is it father’s day today, it is also World naked hiking day! I’m not sure the organisers timed it that well. I’m having visions in my head of happy dads playing with their kids in parks and being interrupted by hoards of naked hikers strolling through the park, climbing over stiles and scaring the living daylights out of small children! I will never forget the annual naked bike ride in Bristol, I didn’t participate as I can’t ride a bike with no coccyx and I only do nakedness in the shower alone (ha ha). I reckon Jeff would be up for a naked ramble around the sunny Aussie outback (ha ha). Just try not to get arrested.